Dearest Fellow Rememberers: The Stories of Those Strangers You Passed on the Road Yesterday Might Be Sad, Or Hopeful. Their Stories Are Important.

Last year I finally self-published Ramshackle Houses & Southern Parables for print on demand. It was a labor of love and regret, an autobiography in poetry and creative nonfiction, a full-on act of self-imposed therapy by remembering and writing through my own personal filter. A narcissistic act? I’m sure if more than my generous writing […]

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Dearest Lost, Found, And Forgotten: Shedding Tears Only Clears Your Vision, Not Theirs. Forgiveness Frees You, Not Them. Revenge Isn’t Any Sweeter If You Write A Poem About It.

Rejection is something a person can feel right through bone to soul without ever being able to spell the word. Loneliness roots deeper than any tree and grows without a sense of direction or knowing the science of sunrise and sunset. Justice may be slow to come, but it’s inevitable. Happiness isn’t a daily choice, […]

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Whiskey-Niner-Kilo (Excerpt)

Vehicles are parked haphazardly across the center of the road, alongside curbs, doors flung open, engines running. Each one is empty. Max parks the Crawfords’ Ford in front of the Constable’s office, cuts the engine and pockets the keys. Don’t look panicked. Walk in there calm and cool. There is no one present to remark […]

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How To

How do you get over this? How do you go through the motions of being a responsible adult? Pay the bills, clean the kitchen … carry on as if you didn’t just create a living breathing multi-faceted heart racing story rich with blood and bones and human foibles. How do you step away from the […]

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